A port of the EventStore .Net ClientAPI to Node.js
Porting .Net Task to Node.js
I used Promise to replace .Net Task, so when executing an async command, i.e. appendToStream you'll have to wait for result/error like this:
connection .appendToStream('myStream', client.expectedVersion.any, events, userCredentials) .then(function(result) { //Do something with the WriteResult here }) .catch(function(err) { //Handle error here });
Incomplete/missing features:
- Typed errors: currently most errors are direct instance of Error, which is not practical for error handling
- Ssl connection: Ssl connetion is not implemented yet
- Persistent subscription: create/update/delete/connec to a persistent subscription are not implemented yet
- Set system settings: not implemented yet
- Performance: there's still some while loop in the code that could be problematic with node.js
- Tests: tests are only covering happy path scenarios for now
- NPM package: no package released yet, I will release one when code is production ready
Running the tests
You will need:
- dependencies (npm install)
- nodeunit (npm install -g nodeunit)
- an instance of EventStore running on localhost:1113 (
To execute the tests suites simply run test with npm
npm test