var client = require('../src/client.js'); var GossipSeed = require('../src/gossipSeed'); var testBase = require('./common/base_test'); module.exports = { 'Connect To Endpoint Happy Path': function(test) { test.expect(1); var tcpEndpoint = {host: 'localhost', port: 1113}; var conn = client.EventStoreConnection.create(testBase.settings(), tcpEndpoint); conn.connect() .catch(function(err) { test.done(err); }); conn.on('connected', function(endPoint){ test.areEqual("connected endPoint", endPoint, tcpEndpoint); done(); }); conn.on('error', done); function done(err) { conn.close(); if (err) return test.done(err); test.done(); } }, 'Connect To Endpoint That Doesn\'t Exist': function(test) { test.expect(1); var tcpEndpoint = {host: 'localhost', port: 11112}; var conn = client.EventStoreConnection.create(testBase.settings({maxReconnections:1}), tcpEndpoint); conn.connect() .catch(function (err) { test.done(err); }); conn.on('connected', function () { test.ok(false, "Should not be able to connect."); test.done(); }); conn.on('error', function (err) { test.done(err); }); conn.on('closed', function(reason) { test.ok(reason.indexOf("Reconnection limit reached") === 0, "Wrong expected reason."); test.done(); }); }, 'Create a connection with tcp://host:port string': function(test) { var conn = client.createConnection({}, 'tcp://localhost:1113'); conn.close(); test.done(); }/*, 'Connect to Cluster using gossip seeds': function (test) { test.expect(1); var gossipSeeds = [ new GossipSeed({host: 'localhost', port: 1113}), new GossipSeed({host: 'localhost', port: 2113}), new GossipSeed({host: 'localhost', port: 3113}) ]; var conn = client.EventStoreConnection.create(testBase.settings(), gossipSeeds); conn.connect() .catch(function(err) { test.done(err); }); conn.on('connected', function(endPoint){ test.ok(endPoint, "no endpoint"); done(); }); conn.on('error', done); function done(err) { conn.close(); if (err) return test.done(err); test.done(); } }*/ }; testBase.init(module.exports, false);