const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const dns = require('dns'); const ClusterDiscoverer = require('../../../src/core/cluster/clusterDiscoverer'); const ClusterInfo = require('../../../src/core/cluster/clusterInfo'); const GossipSeed = require('../../../src/gossipSeed'); const NodeEndPoints = require('../../../src/core/cluster/nodeEndpoints'); const logger = { info: () => {} }; describe('ClusterDiscoverer', () => { const mockDns = { ADDRCONFIG: dns.ADDRCONFIG, V4MAPPED: dns.V4MAPPED, }; const mockHttp = {}; const settings = { clusterDns: '', maxDiscoverAttempts: 10, discoverDelay: 10, managerExternalHttpPort: 2113, seeds: null, gossipTimeout: 1000, }; const tClusterInfo = new ClusterInfo([ { instanceId: 'bb16857d-373d-4233-a175-89c917a72329', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:53:24.234898Z', state: 'Slave', isAlive: false, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: 648923382, writerCheckpoint: 648936339, chaserCheckpoint: 648936339, epochPosition: 551088596, epochNumber: 201, epochId: 'd8f95f4b-167a-4487-9031-4d31a507e6d9', nodePriority: 0, }, { instanceId: 'b3c18dcd-6476-467a-b7b8-d6672b74e9c2', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:56:06.189428Z', state: 'CatchingUp', isAlive: true, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: -1, writerCheckpoint: 0, chaserCheckpoint: 0, epochPosition: -1, epochNumber: -1, epochId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', nodePriority: 0, }, { instanceId: 'e802a2b5-826c-4bd5-84d0-c9d1387fbf79', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:56:07.391534Z', state: 'Master', isAlive: true, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: 649007631, writerCheckpoint: 649024685, chaserCheckpoint: 649024685, epochPosition: 649023795, epochNumber: 202, epochId: '1f17695d-6558-4d8b-ba60-2ae273b11e09', nodePriority: 0, }, { instanceId: '24bb9031-5f21-436c-a7b5-c5f03a95e938', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:54:39.023053Z', state: 'Slave', isAlive: false, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: 649007631, writerCheckpoint: 649023795, chaserCheckpoint: 649023795, epochPosition: 551088596, epochNumber: 201, epochId: 'd8f95f4b-167a-4487-9031-4d31a507e6d9', nodePriority: 0, }, ]); const tClusterInfoNoBestNode = new ClusterInfo([ { instanceId: 'bb16857d-373d-4233-a175-89c917a72329', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:53:24.234898Z', state: 'Manager', isAlive: true, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: 648923382, writerCheckpoint: 648936339, chaserCheckpoint: 648936339, epochPosition: 551088596, epochNumber: 201, epochId: 'd8f95f4b-167a-4487-9031-4d31a507e6d9', nodePriority: 0, }, { instanceId: 'b3c18dcd-6476-467a-b7b8-d6672b74e9c2', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:56:06.189428Z', state: 'CatchingUp', isAlive: false, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: -1, writerCheckpoint: 0, chaserCheckpoint: 0, epochPosition: -1, epochNumber: -1, epochId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', nodePriority: 0, }, { instanceId: 'e802a2b5-826c-4bd5-84d0-c9d1387fbf79', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:56:07.391534Z', state: 'Master', isAlive: false, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: 649007631, writerCheckpoint: 649024685, chaserCheckpoint: 649024685, epochPosition: 649023795, epochNumber: 202, epochId: '1f17695d-6558-4d8b-ba60-2ae273b11e09', nodePriority: 0, }, { instanceId: '24bb9031-5f21-436c-a7b5-c5f03a95e938', timeStamp: '2020-09-02T13:54:39.023053Z', state: 'Slave', isAlive: false, internalTcpIp: '', internalTcpPort: 1112, internalSecureTcpPort: 0, externalTcpIp: '', externalTcpPort: 1113, externalSecureTcpPort: 0, internalHttpIp: '', internalHttpPort: 2112, externalHttpIp: '', externalHttpPort: 2113, lastCommitPosition: 649007631, writerCheckpoint: 649023795, chaserCheckpoint: 649023795, epochPosition: 551088596, epochNumber: 201, epochId: 'd8f95f4b-167a-4487-9031-4d31a507e6d9', nodePriority: 0, }, ]); const discoverer = new ClusterDiscoverer(logger, settings, mockDns, mockHttp); const discovererWithGossipSeeds = new ClusterDiscoverer( logger, { ...settings, ...{ seeds: [ new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: 2113, }), new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: 2113, }), new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: 2113, }), ], }, }, mockDns, mockHttp ); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('constructor', () => { test('Should be defined', () => { expect(discoverer).toBeDefined(); }); test('Should throw an error', () => { expect( () => new ClusterDiscoverer( logger, { clusterDns: null, maxDiscoverAttempts: 10, managerExternalHttpPort: 2113, seeds: null, gossipTimeout: 1000, }, mockDns, mockHttp ) ).toThrow(); }); expect( () => new ClusterDiscoverer( logger, { clusterDns: null, maxDiscoverAttempts: 10, managerExternalHttpPort: 2113, seeds: [], gossipTimeout: 1000, }, mockDns, mockHttp ) ).toThrow(); }); describe('#_resolveDns', () => { test('Should call lookup', async () => { mockDns.lookup = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([ { address: '', family: 4, }, ]); await discoverer._resolveDns(''); expect(mockDns.lookup).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', { family: 4, hints: dns.ADDRCONFIG | dns.V4MAPPED, all: true, }); }); test('Should reject if dnsService fails', async () => { mockDns.lookup = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('Unexpected DNS error')); await expect(discoverer._resolveDns('')).rejects.toBeDefined(); }); test('Should reject if no addresses are returned', async () => { mockDns.lookup = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([]); await expect(discoverer._resolveDns('')).rejects.toEqual( new Error('No result from dns lookup for') ); }); test('Should return a list of candidate addresses', async () => { mockDns.lookup = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([ { address: '', family: 4, }, { address: '', family: 4, }, { address: '', family: 4, }, ]); const candidates = await discoverer._resolveDns(''); expect(candidates).toEqual(['', '', '']); }); }); describe('#_clusterInfo', () => { test('Should call httpService.request to get cluster informations', async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed( { host: '', port: '2113', }, undefined ); const tTimeout = 1000; const requestEvents = {}; let responseCallback; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { responseCallback = callback; return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => {}, destroy: () => {}, }; }); discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout); expect(mockHttp.request).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { host:, port: tCandidate.endPoint.port, path: '/gossip?format=json', timeout: tTimeout, }, expect.anything() ); }); test('Should call httpService.request to get cluster informations with host header', async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed( { host: '', port: '2113', }, undefined, 'MyHost' ); const tTimeout = 1000; const requestEvents = {}; let responseCallback; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { responseCallback = callback; return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => {}, destroy: () => {}, }; }); discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout); expect(mockHttp.request).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { host:, port: tCandidate.endPoint.port, path: '/gossip?format=json', timeout: tTimeout, headers: { Host: tCandidate.hostHeader, }, }, expect.anything() ); }); test('Should return a timeout error if the sockets fails to be connected in the specified timeout', async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: '2113', }); const tTimeout = 1000; const requestEvents = {}; let responseCallback; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { responseCallback = callback; return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => { requestEvents['timeout'](); }, destroy: () => {}, }; }); await expect(discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout)).rejects.toThrow( new Error('Connection to gossip timed out') ); }); test('Should return an error if the http request emits an error', async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: '2113', }); const tTimeout = 1000; const requestEvents = {}; let responseCallback; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { responseCallback = callback; return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => { requestEvents['error'](new Error('Request error')); }, destroy: () => {}, }; }); await expect(discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout)).rejects.toThrow( new Error('Connection to gossip errored') ); }); test("Should return an error if the candidate doesn't returns a 200 code", async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: '2113', }); const tTimeout = 1000; const requestEvents = {}; let responseCallback; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { responseCallback = callback; return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => { callback({ statusCode: 503, on: (type, callback) => { responseEvents[type] = callback; }, }); }, destroy: () => {}, }; }); await expect(discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout)).rejects.toThrow( new Error('Gossip candidate returns a 503 error') ); }); test('Should return an error if the response is not a valid JSON', async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: '2113', }); const tTimeout = 1000; let responseCallback; const requestEvents = {}; const responseEvents = {}; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { responseCallback = callback; return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => { callback({ statusCode: 200, on: (type, callback) => { responseEvents[type] = callback; }, }); responseEvents['data']('Not a JSON response'); responseEvents['end'](); }, destroy: () => {}, }; }); await expect(discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout)).rejects.toThrow( new Error('Unable to parse gossip response') ); }); test('Should return the member informations for the cluster', async () => { const tCandidate = new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: '2113', }); const tTimeout = 1000; const requestEvents = {}; const responseEvents = {}; mockHttp.request = jest.fn((options, callback) => { return { setTimeout: jest.fn(() => ({})), on: (type, callback) => { requestEvents[type] = callback; }, end: () => { callback({ statusCode: 200, on: (type, callback) => { responseEvents[type] = callback; }, }); responseEvents['data'](fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../fixtures/gossip.json'))); responseEvents['end'](); }, destroy: () => {}, }; }); const infos = await discoverer._clusterInfo(tCandidate, tTimeout); expect(infos).toEqual(tClusterInfo); }); }); describe('#_getGossipCandidates', () => { test('Should get from dns if gossipSeeds are empty', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); const candidates = await discoverer._getGossipCandidates(settings.managerExternalHttpPort); expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(candidates).toHaveLength(3); for (let i in candidates) { expect(candidates[i]).toBeInstanceOf(GossipSeed); } }); test('Should get gossipSeeds if present', async () => { discovererWithGossipSeeds._resolveDns = jest.fn(); const candidates = await discovererWithGossipSeeds._getGossipCandidates(settings.managerExternalHttpPort); expect(discovererWithGossipSeeds._resolveDns).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(candidates).toHaveLength(3); for (let i in candidates) { expect(candidates[i]).toBeInstanceOf(GossipSeed); } }); }); describe('#discover', () => { test('Should get resolve dns discover url to get IP addresses of the eventstore node', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(tClusterInfo); await; expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalledWith(settings.clusterDns); }); test('Should call _clusterInfo with candidate', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(tClusterInfo); await; expect(discoverer._clusterInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: settings.managerExternalHttpPort }), settings.gossipTimeout ); }); test('Should call _clusterInfo with candidate from gossipSeed if provided', async () => { discovererWithGossipSeeds._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(); discovererWithGossipSeeds._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(tClusterInfo); await; expect(discovererWithGossipSeeds._resolveDns).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('Should return the bestNode', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(tClusterInfo); const node = await; expect(node).toEqual( new NodeEndPoints( { host: '', port: 1113, }, null ) ); }); test('Should try to call each candidates until it get clusterInfo with bestNode', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockImplementation(async (candidate) => { if ( === '') { return tClusterInfo; } throw new Error('Gossip candidate returns a 503 error'); }); const node = await; expect(node).toEqual( new NodeEndPoints( { host: '', port: 1113, }, null ) ); expect(discoverer._clusterInfo).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); test('Should fail if the we reach the maxDiscoverAttempts limits (no bestNode is found)', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(tClusterInfoNoBestNode); await expect( new Error(`Failed to discover candidate in ${settings.maxDiscoverAttempts} attempts.`) ); expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(settings.maxDiscoverAttempts); expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(settings.maxDiscoverAttempts); }); test('Should fail if the we reach the maxDiscoverAttempts limits (all resolveDns attempts fails)', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('Connection to gossip timed out')); await expect( new Error(`Failed to discover candidate in ${settings.maxDiscoverAttempts} attempts.`) ); expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(settings.maxDiscoverAttempts); }); test('Should fail if the we reach the maxDiscoverAttempts limits (all clusterInfo attempts fails)', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('Gossip candidate returns a 503 error')); await expect( new Error(`Failed to discover candidate in ${settings.maxDiscoverAttempts} attempts.`) ); expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(settings.maxDiscoverAttempts); expect(discoverer._resolveDns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(settings.maxDiscoverAttempts); }); test('Should try to call each candidates expect failed one until it get clusterInfo with bestNode', async () => { discoverer._resolveDns = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(['', '', '']); discoverer._clusterInfo = jest.fn().mockImplementation(async (candidate) => { if ( === '') { return tClusterInfo; } throw new Error('Gossip candidate returns a 503 error'); }); const node = await{ host: '', port: 2113 }); expect(node).toEqual( new NodeEndPoints( { host: '', port: 1113, }, null ) ); expect(discoverer._clusterInfo).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(discoverer._clusterInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: 2113 }), settings.gossipTimeout ); expect(discoverer._clusterInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( new GossipSeed({ host: '', port: 2113 }), settings.gossipTimeout ); }); }); });