# eventstore-node A port of the EventStore .Net ClientAPI to Node.js ## Dependencies - Node.js >= 0.12 - Modules: [long](https://www.npmjs.org/package/long), [protobufjs](https://www.npmjs.org/package/protobufjs), [uuid](https://www.npmjs.org/package/uuid) (installed via `npm install`) ## Status Unstable ### Missing features: - Ssl connection - Cluster connection - Set system settings ### Incomplete - Typed errors: currently most errors are direct instance of Error, which is not practical for error handling - Performance: there's still some while loop in the code that could be problematic with node.js - Tests: tests are only covering happy path scenarios for now ## Getting started ### Install & run Eventstore on localhost See http://docs.geteventstore.com/introduction/3.9.0/ . ### Example: Storing an event Save to ```app.js:``` ```javascript var esClient = require('eventstore-node'); var uuid = require('uuid'); var streamName = "testStream"; var esConnection = esClient.createConnection({}, {"hostname": "localhost", "port": 1113}); esConnection.connect(); esConnection.once('connected', function (tcpEndPoint) { console.log('Connected to eventstore at ' + tcpEndPoint.hostname + ":" + tcpEndPoint.port); }); var eventId = uuid.v4(); var eventData = { a : Math.random(), b: uuid.v4() }; var event = esClient.createJsonEventData(eventId, eventData, null, 'testEvent'); console.log("Appending..."); esConnection.appendToStream(streamName, esClient.expectedVersion.any, event) .then(function(result) { console.log("Stored event:", eventId); console.log("Look for it at: http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/testStream"); esConnection.close(); }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); ``` Create ```package.json```: ```json { "name": "hello", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "app.js", "dependencies": { "eventstore-node": "latest", "uuid": "latest" } } ``` ```npm install``` ```node app.js``` ## Porting .Net Task to Node.js .Net Task have been replace with Promise. When executing an async command, i.e. appendToStream you can use then/catch to wait for result/error. ## Running the tests To run the tests you will need - To install the dependencies (`npm install`) - Run an instance of EventStore >= 3.3.0 (competing consumers are required for test) on localhost:1113 (Download [here](https://geteventstore.com/downloads/)) To execute the tests suites simply run test with npm npm test ## License Ported code is released under the MIT license, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/nicdex/eventstore-node/blob/master/LICENSE). Original code is released under the EventStore license and can be found at https://github.com/eventstore/eventstore.