var uuid = require('uuid'); var client = require('../src/client'); var settings = {}; if (process.env.TESTS_VERBOSE_LOGGING === '1') { settings.verboseLogging = true; var FileLogger = require('../src/common/log/fileLogger'); settings.log = new FileLogger('appendToStream_test.log'); } module.exports = { setUp: function(cb) { this.testStreamName = 'test-' + uuid.v4(); var connected = false; this.conn = client.EventStoreConnection.create(settings, {host: 'localhost', port: 1113}); this.conn.connect() .then(function() { //Doesn't mean anything, connection is just initiated }) .catch(function(err) { cb(err); }); this.conn.on('closed', function(reason){ if (connected) return; cb(new Error("Connection failed: " + reason)); }); this.conn.on('connected', function() { connected = true; cb(); }); }, tearDown: function(cb) { this.conn.close(); this.conn.on('closed', function() { cb(); }); this.conn = null; }, 'Append One Event To Stream Happy Path': function(test) { var event = client.createJsonEventData(uuid.v4(), {a: Math.random(), b: uuid.v4()}, null, 'testEvent'); this.conn.appendToStream(this.testStreamName, client.expectedVersion.any, event) .then(function(result) { test.ok(result.nextExpectedVersion === 0, "Expected nextExpectedVersion === 0, but was " + result.nextExpectedVersion); test.ok(result.logPosition, "No log position in result."); test.done(); }) .catch(function(err) { test.done(err); }); }, 'Append Multiple Events To Stream Happy Path': function(test) { var events = [ client.createJsonEventData(uuid.v4(), {a: Math.random(), b: uuid.v4()}, null, 'testEvent'), client.createJsonEventData(uuid.v4(), {b: Math.random(), a: uuid.v4()}, null, 'otherEvent') ]; this.conn.appendToStream(this.testStreamName, client.expectedVersion.any, events) .then(function(result) { test.ok(result.nextExpectedVersion === 1, "Expected nextExpectedVersion === 1, but was " + result.nextExpectedVersion); test.ok(result.logPosition, "No log position in result."); test.done(); }) .catch(function(err) { test.done(err); }); }, 'Append To Stream Wrong Expected Version': function(test) { var event = client.createJsonEventData(uuid.v4(), {a: Math.random(), b: uuid.v4()}, null, 'testEvent'); this.conn.appendToStream(this.testStreamName, 10, event) .then(function(result) { test.ok(false, "Append succeeded but should have failed."); test.done(); }) .catch(function(err) { var isWrongExpectedVersion = err instanceof client.WrongExpectedVersionError; test.ok(isWrongExpectedVersion, "Expected WrongExpectedVersionError, got " +; if (!isWrongExpectedVersion) { test.done(err); return; } test.done(); }); }, 'Append To Stream Deleted': function(test) { var self = this; this.conn.deleteStream(this.testStreamName, client.expectedVersion.noStream, true) .then(function() { var event = client.createJsonEventData(uuid.v4(), {a: Math.random(), b: uuid.v4()}, null, 'testEvent'); return self.conn.appendToStream(self.testStreamName, client.expectedVersion.any, event) }) .then(function(result) { test.ok(false, "Append succeeded but should have failed."); test.done(); }) .catch(function(err) { var isStreamDeleted = err instanceof client.StreamDeletedError; test.ok(isStreamDeleted, "Expected StreamDeletedError, got " +; if (!isStreamDeleted) { test.done(err); return; } test.done(); }); }, 'Append To Stream Access Denied': function(test) { var self = this; var metadata = {$acl: {$w: "$admins"}}; this.conn.setStreamMetadataRaw(this.testStreamName, client.expectedVersion.noStream, metadata) .then(function() { var event = client.createJsonEventData(uuid.v4(), {a: Math.random(), b: uuid.v4()}, null, 'testEvent'); return self.conn.appendToStream(self.testStreamName, client.expectedVersion.any, event) }) .then(function(result) { test.ok(false, "Append succeeded but should have failed."); test.done(); }) .catch(function(err) { var isStreamDeleted = err instanceof client.AccessDeniedError; test.ok(isStreamDeleted, "Expected AccessDeniedError, got " +; if (!isStreamDeleted) { test.done(err); return; } test.done(); }); } };