const client = require('../src/client'); // RWM: Import from npm installed package rather than from src //const client = require("node-eventstore-client"); const resolveLinkTos = true; function resumeEvent(event) { return [ event.originalEvent.eventType, [event.originalEventNumber.toNumber(), event.originalStreamId].join('@'), event.originalPosition ].join(" ") } const eventAppeared = (subscription, event) => console.log("Event received", resumeEvent(event)); const subscriptionDropped = (subscription, reason, error) => console.log("Subscription dropped", reason, error); const libeProcessingStarted = () => console.log("Live processing started."); const credentials = new client.UserCredentials("admin", "changeit"); const settings = { maxReconnections: 10, reconnectionDelay: 1000, // RWM: slow down the reconnection attempts. 10 seconds to restore connection. }; if (process.env.ENABLE_LOGGING) settings.log = console; if (process.env.VERBOSE) settings.verboseLogging = true; const endpoint = "tcp://localhost:1113"; const connection = client.createConnection(settings, endpoint); connection.connect().catch(err => console.log("Connection failed", err)); connection.on('heartbeatInfo', heartbeatInfo => console.log('Heartbeat latency', heartbeatInfo.responseReceivedAt - heartbeatInfo.requestSentAt, 'ms') ); connection.once("connected", tcpEndPoint => { console.log(`Connected to eventstore at ${}:${tcpEndPoint.port}`); // RWM: subscribe Stream instead of All connection.subscribeToStreamFrom( "test", // RWM: Stream to subscribe to null, resolveLinkTos, eventAppeared, libeProcessingStarted, subscriptionDropped, credentials ); }); connection.on("error", error => console.log(`Error occurred on connection: ${error}`) ) connection.on("closed", reason => console.log(`Connection closed, reason: ${reason}`) ) // RWM: Handle the reconnecting event, for better awareness of what's happening connection.on("reconnecting", msg => console.log(`Reconnecting, msg: ${JSON.stringify(msg, null, 4)}`) )